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Tahoe Keys

Cancellation Policy

Cancel within 7-days of making your booking:
Full refund, minus booking fee.

Cancel with more than 14-days prior to your arrival date:
If your cancellation falls within the 7-day window of making your booking, you will receive a full refund, minus booking fee. Otherwise, unless the optional trip insurance was purchased, the down payment (equal to one-nights rent) and the  booking fee are non-refundable.

Cancel within 14-7 days of your arrival date:
If your cancellation falls within the 7-day window of making your booking, you will receive a full refund, minus booking fee. Otherwise, unless the optional trip insurance was purchased, a 50% refund will be provided.

Cancel within 7-days of your arrival date:
Unless the optional trip insurance was purchased, no refund will be provided.

Notes on Trip Insurance

If purchasing trip insurance please review the policy and contact CSA Travel Insurance if you have and questions. CSA does not cover travel related anxieties or government regulations.  Proof of illness may be required. Again, please contact CSA with any questions/concerns.